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three hundred and sixty five


A lot can happen in the span of a year. A lot can change in the span of a year. Like most, there were tears of joy, anger, and sadness. To be quite honest this past year I’ve dealt with loss in so many different ways. Some associate the word “loss” with something derogatory, candidly I view it to be somewhat positive. There are things in life that are meant to stay for a season and that’s okay if it no longer serves you. It’s hard to trust in the process and in God’s plan, but I have to remind myself that in order to experience gain you also experience loss. Life is a ying yang. In good there is bad, in happiness there is sad, in hot there is cold…….you get this gist.

While it may not sound as glorious as you may imagine it to be, it is a privilege to experience pain, sadness, loss, and grief. Why? In my heart, I know that I had the privilege of living in such a moment in time that I may have taken it for granted. Perhaps there was a tire swing you had as a kid that was attached to a great oak tree. The laughter, happiness, and comfort that tree and swing provided, you never knew what it brought you until one day it was gone. There are so many things in life we have to be grateful for, just like the great oak tree and tire swing. I know that one day again there will be light and I will be glad in it.

I lost my dream job. I lost my childhood dog. My parent's divorce was officially finalized. I lost myself and whom I wanted to be. All of those things can change a person but who says change is supposed to be such a bad thing? You never grow if you stay complacent. You will never blossom into whom God plans for you to be if you don’t accept his guidance. It wasn’t until a year ago that I finally let go of the reins and trusted in Him, but since then I have never felt more alive and safe knowing that there is a reason. There always is.

So for those who feel like their world is crumbling down, let it. You have the opportunity to rebuild. You have the opportunity to learn more about yourself. You have the opportunity to look around and know who’s in your corner cheering you on. The saying holds true, "You don't lose if you get knocked down, you lose if you stay down.” Stand tall. Stand proud. Stand with a smile on your face. There is nothing wrong with having some dirt on your hands… It's building character. Even on your hardest days, offer your hand to those around you. Spread light. Be whom God destined for you to be. You have so much to be grateful for.

“I lift my eyes up to the mountains, where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of Heaven and Earth.” Psalm 121: 1-2


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